“By the time my 19 year old son was admitted, he was still struggling with mania- a new diagnosis that was not effectively treated in the 6 or 7 hospitals or treatment centers that discharged him. For almost an entire year, he bounced from hospital to treatment center –or to jail. Treatment centers that claimed they could support him sent him back to the hospital.
This center did not. THAT is because it is owned and run by a highly qualified and passionate PSYCHIATRIST who specializes in treating clients with tough mental illnesses like my son’s bipolar disorder.
Unlike many treatment centers that claim to have sufficient medical staff to address a client’s psychiatric needs, Dr. Moran sees his patients EVERY DAY–that’s the secret to stabilizing clients, particularly when they have just been discharged from the hospital or are in residential treatment. Dr. Moran is committed to fully understanding each client’s needs and addresses his clients by name. Always. (Who else does that????).
When no one else could help my son, Dr. Moran came through with flying colors and continues to support my son. I can’t thank him and his support staff enough.”