Florida Addiction Treatment Center

Substance Abuse Programs for all Ages

All of our programs are tailored to each patient’s needs. Many people who suffer from addiction also have a primary mental health issue. The Family Center for Recovery in Lantana, FL, acknowledges that if both are not treated concurrently, the patient will never heal completely. Both disorders need to be treated. Our Medical Director, leading neuropsychiatrist and addictionologist, Dr. Robert A. Moran, diagnoses every patient and places them on the most appropriate treatment plan, which he monitors continuously throughout their stay.

With evidence-based treatment, a high success rate, and an expert team of caregivers, the Family Center for Recovery can deliver a better life to our patients.

Once a substance has hijacked the mind and chemically altered it, only medical attention and life style changes can restore you back to health. With our evidence-based treatment and team of experienced professionals, utilizing the latest advances in medical behavioral therapies, we will work together to create a treatment plan customized to your individual needs.

Quitting Isn’t Just About Willpower

Willpower, of course, is a critical part of recovery, but it must be understood that addiction is a chronic brain disease, which makes one experience a compulsion to abuse a certain substance or substances—even though they know it is causing harm to themselves and the people they care about. At FCFR, conquering addition is absolutely possible with the resources we provide. We take seriously that the choice to get help is a matter of life and death.

We provide help to adults who suffer from all kinds of substance abuse and addiction. We help addicts to substances like:

  • Methamphetamine
  • Marijuana
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Alcohol
  • Spice
  • Kratom
  • Flakka
  • Sex
  • Gambling
  • More . . .

Substance Abuse Treatment for Teens

Teenagers are always pegged as the most at-risk people for developing a drug or alcohol abuse problem. Perhaps this is because their curiosity and inexperience makes them likely to experiment with various drugs.

Sometimes, it is not that simple. There are other reasons why teenagers abuse drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA):

  • Pressure to fit in with their peers.
  • To ease stress and social anxiety.
  • They are self-medicating depression.
  • To have fun and feel pleasure.
  • To enhance their performances either in sports or in academics.

Other reasons include influence from social media and the entertainment industry, ignorance on the dangers of drugs, and prescription medication use that becomes an addiction.

Treatment Options for Teen Patients

We include several types of drug and alcohol treatment for our teen patients.

  1. Group Therapy

Group therapies are part of behavioral interventions designed to provide teenagers with a non-judgmental setting to discuss their substance abuse problems. These meetings give them positive social reinforcement from their peers. It also encourages them to turn their lives away from drug abuse.

Behavioral intervention will also include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, which help teens anticipate and cope with substance abuse problems. For instance, they learn to monitor and control their feelings, and use their self-control to escape high-risk environments for drug abuse. Our counselors are alert and have the experience to control the risk of some group members reinforcing negative behavior and encouraging substance abuse.

  1. Family Therapy Sessions

This type of therapy addresses negative issues in the home environment and equips the family with skills and goals for dealing with drug abuse. Some of the teenager’s behavior and attitudes toward substance abuse can be attributed to the family’s failed behavior in key areas, such as in failing to instill discipline, or for being substance abusers as well. We will therefore help the entire family unite and resolve these issues. Check out our family programs here

  1. Use of Addiction Treatment Medication

Our on-site Medical Doctor evaluates each of our teen patients to access whether they should entertain the idea of trying medication. Our Doctor includes their parents and gives the family unit the choice to decide. More than often, drug and alcohol abuse is related to other mental disorders, which is why medication can be such an aid in overcoming drug abuse.

  1. Recovery Support Services

We will help our teen patients in every step after treatment is complete. We have staff that helps our patients find programs set up in communities or in schools for recovering teenagers, guardians and peer leaders to support one another in overcoming substance abuse problems. We also guide and encourage 12 step meetings, community engagement, volunteer opportunities, and support groups.


For any inquiries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact the FCFR team at (855) 202-4220 or via email at contact@FCFRmd.com

Get The Help You Deserve!

Family Center For Recovery provides the best quality care for you or your loved one, we will give you the proper diagnosis to help you regain your life.

Get The Help You Deserve!

Family Center For Recovery provides the best quality care for you or your loved one, we will give you the proper diagnosis to help you regain your life.